Thursday, February 14, 2008

Barack Obama


I know it seems like my life is full of impish celebrity news stories and prissy parties - all fun, but not the only thing that defines me as a person and a citizen of the United States of America. So, as I share most of my life with my faithful readers, I will simply say a few words on my choice for the next President of the United States of America.

I was once a proud, strong, card-carrying Republican. Over the last few years George W. Bush has let America down over and over again. He has diminished my faith in the Republican party, but gratefully, he has forced me to look for something new, someone new and someone who can make a dramatic difference in my future and what I think will lead to a better future for my children.

I trust Barack Obama. He's young, but I have full faith that he is smart and capable of handling the work ahead. He will build upon his experiences, learn and I think make selfless decisions in the name of America. For the first time in the ten years I have been invited to vote, I see a politician who I actually trust when he speaks. Barack's plans and ideas are worth reading up on if you have the time and inclination...Obama for Change.

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veritas said...

i think obama seems nice but did you know his church that he's apart of gave the lifetime achievement award to louis Farakkhan,you should read this kelly

obama gives alot of money to his church,helps out alot with things,he knew they were going give that award to farakkhan
and is not just fox news saying that,if you google it youll see more,so i hope you return to the republican party or at lest choose hiliry,cause i know what she belives,she's not shady in that area,and im sorry if im getting deep here on your blog,you know i<3 you =o)))))

Blonde Bits said...

It's cool...this is an open forum for discussion! I did read that article and have heard all the arguments against him, but I do believe him when he says that while he loves his church, that does not mean he agrees with everything his pastor has chosen along the way and in fact often strongly disagrees. I'm a Catholic, but am not always thrilled with the decisions made by my church and it's elders...

Thanks for always commenting! I love reading your thoughts! xoxokw