Friday, January 4, 2008



Will's brother Tom (the other natural blonde in the photos) joined me in Miami for a week of madness along the beach. We did this in the following order...

First I am introduced to the Florida Room, then a crazy cab driver takes us to the Kobe Club, then we hit Set, which is playing host to Tenjune, followed by the Florida Room again and some quality time on the Delano beach while seeing celebs like Dylan McDermott (random!) and New York and Tailor Made (beyond tacky and atrocious - Tom says if he never sees another celeb again he'll die happy).

Next, we spend some more QT on the beach, dining at the diner with the murderous owner, hitting up the Setai to hear Jennifer Hudson sing, dancing to DJ Sky Nellor, eating duck out of plastic cups and play-doh sesame balls. After a lot of champagne and one cigar, we hit the Shore Club, where Ashlee Simpson could only countdown from 5 and then the Raleigh where the entire bridge and tunnel population appeared with Mandy Moore counting down from 10. Mansion was last to see the Kardashian sisters, but really, we just wanted to see Vanessa.

In between there was lots of beachtime for swimming, sleeping and reading with Patrick and Chris joining us as well. And then...let's not forget some face time with Micah Jesse...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't wait to hear the whole version of that story! As usual, mine wasn't nearly that exciting!

Anonymous said...

I just saw this post! Always love seeing you, Kelly. Especially in Miami!

Micah Jesse